Binary to Hex


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The binary to hexadecimal converter is an online tool to convert binary to hexadecimal numbers. This converter is a perfect tool for binary to hexadecimal conversion. It doesn't require much values or clicks from the user for converting binary to hexadecimal. The aim of this tool is to simplify the conversion process of binary to hex, which is why it offers results at one click.

In this post, we will learn how to convert binary to hexadecimal using an example, and how to use our binary to hex converter.

How to use binary to hex converter?

To use this converter, follow the below steps:

  • Enter the binary number in the given input box.
  • Press the Calculate button after entering the value.

It will instantly convert the given binary number into hexadecimal and decimal as well. If you need to convert hex to binary, you can use our hex to binary calculator.

How to convert binary to hexadecimal?

It is not difficult to convert from binary to hex as hexadecimal numbers are simpler binary string variants. You just have to note that every hex digit has four binary digits. Four binary numbers are, therefore, equal to one hex. The process is easier than it sounds, but a binary to hex conversion table is always helpful for saving time, which you can find below. Follow these steps for converting binary to hexadecimal.

  1. Write the binary number in groups of four digits starting from the right. If the left-most group doesn't have enough numbers to form a set of four, add an additional 0 to form a group.
  2. Below each group, write 8, 4, 2, and 1. These are the weights of the number of position holders (23, 22, 21, and 20).
  3. Every group of four in the binary gives you a hexadecimal digit. Multiply by the above digit by 8, 4, 2, and 1. 
  4. In each set of four, add the products. Write down the resulted numbers under their groups.
  5. You will get the hexadecimal number from left to right from the digits in each group after summation.


Let's use an example to clearly understand the conversion process of binary to hex. 

Convert (10101010)2 to hexadecimal

Step 1: 10101010 has eight digits, which means it is possible to combine in four sets without adding 0 digits.

Step 2: Below each group, write 8, 4, 2, and 1.

1010    1010

8421    8421

Step 3: Multiply the 8, 4, 2, and 1 with the corresponding binary digits.

1010    1010

8421    8421

8020    8020

Step 4: In each set of four, add the products.

1st group: 8 + 2 = 10

2nd group: 8 + 2 = 10

Write down the numbers below the groups to which they are associated with.

1010    1010

8421    8421

8020    8020

10          10

Step 5: Please note that letters are used to represent values above 9. In the hexadecimal system, 10 is denoted as letter A.

So, (10101010)2 = (AA)16

Binary to Hex Table

Below you can find the hexadecimal chart for the conversions.


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